Brad Jones Obituary Death News Shocking; What happened to Brad Jones? Former ERCOT President

Posted by Sebrina Pilcher on Friday, May 3, 2024

Former CEO and President of ERCOT, Brad Jones, passed away, leaving behind a legacy of leadership and kindness.

Brad Jones, the former CEO and president of ERCOT, has left a lasting impact on the energy industry. Serving as the acting President and CEO during the aftermath of a devastating winter storm, Jones worked tirelessly to address the needs of Texans affected by the crisis. His dedication and compassion have been recognized by Texas Tech University, which has established a scholarship in his honor. Let’s delve into the life and accomplishments of this remarkable individual.

Remembering Brad Jones

Brad Jones, a remarkable figure in the energy industry, will always be remembered for his significant contributions as the former CEO and President of ERCOT. Throughout his career, he demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and a deep understanding of the complexities of the electricity grid. His dedication to ensuring the reliability and stability of the Texas power system was unwavering.

Former CEO and President of ERCOT

Brad Jones’s tenure as the CEO and President of ERCOT left an indelible mark on the organization. During his time in leadership, he implemented strategic initiatives that enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of the electricity grid. His visionary approach and ability to navigate challenging situations earned him the respect and admiration of his colleagues and industry peers.

Passing of Brad Jones

The news of Brad Jones’s passing has deeply saddened the energy community. His sudden departure leaves a void that will be difficult to fill. Brad’s unwavering commitment to the well-being of Texans was evident during his time as the acting President and CEO of ERCOT, where he tirelessly worked to address the aftermath of the devastating winter storm. His legacy will continue to inspire future leaders in the energy sector to prioritize the safety and resilience of our power systems.

Brad Jones’ Career at ERCOT

Brad Jones had a remarkable career at ERCOT, leaving a lasting impact on the organization and the energy industry as a whole. His expertise and leadership were instrumental in shaping the electricity grid and ensuring the reliable delivery of power to millions of Texans.

Retirement and Return as Acting President and CEO

After retiring from ERCOT in 2018, Brad Jones was called back to serve as the acting President and CEO from May 2021 to November 2022. This decision speaks volumes about his exceptional leadership skills and the trust placed in him by the organization. During his tenure, he demonstrated his unwavering commitment to the well-being of Texans and the stability of the power grid.

Handling the Aftermath of the Winter Storm

One of the most challenging periods during Brad Jones’ time at ERCOT was the aftermath of the devastating winter storm that left many Texans without power and in dire conditions. As a leader, he stepped up to the plate and took decisive action to address the crisis. His strategic approach and ability to navigate complex situations were crucial in mitigating the impact of the storm and ensuring the safety and well-being of the affected communities.

Prior Roles at ERCOT

Before his retirement in 2018, Brad Jones held the position of Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at ERCOT from April 2013 to October 2015. In this role, he played a pivotal role in overseeing the day-to-day operations of the electricity grid and implementing measures to enhance its efficiency and reliability. His contributions during this period laid the foundation for a more resilient power system in Texas.

Impact and Legacy

Brad Jones’s impact on the energy industry and the lives of Texans cannot be overstated. His leadership and dedication to ensuring a reliable power grid have left a lasting legacy. Through his strategic vision and expertise, he made significant contributions that will continue to shape the future of the electricity sector.

Devastating Winter Storm and Deaths

The devastating winter storm that struck Texas in February 2021 was a tragic event that left many without power and claimed the lives of numerous individuals. Brad Jones played a crucial role in managing the aftermath of this crisis, working tirelessly to restore power and provide support to affected communities. His commitment to the well-being of Texans during this challenging time will always be remembered.

Establishment of the Brad Jones Engineering Scholarship

In recognition of Brad Jones’s remarkable career and his dedication to the field of engineering, Texas Tech University has established the Brad Jones Engineering Scholarship. This scholarship serves as a testament to his commitment to education and his belief in the power of engineering to drive innovation and progress. By supporting junior engineering students at Texas Tech University, the scholarship ensures that Brad’s legacy lives on and inspires future generations of engineers.

Education and Personal Background

Brad Jones’s educational background and personal journey have played a significant role in shaping his successful career in the energy industry. His commitment to continuous learning and personal growth has been instrumental in his professional achievements.

Studied Mechanical Engineering at Texas Tech University

Brad Jones’s passion for engineering led him to pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering at Texas Tech University. During his time at the university, he honed his technical skills and developed a deep understanding of the principles that underpin the energy sector. His education provided him with a solid foundation upon which he built his career.

Master of Business Administration from the University of Texas at Arlington

In addition to his engineering background, Brad Jones recognized the importance of business acumen in the energy industry. To further enhance his skill set, he pursued a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Texas at Arlington. This advanced degree equipped him with the knowledge and expertise to navigate the complex business landscape of the energy sector.

It is with deep sadness that we share the passing of Brad Jones, former CEO and president of ERCOT. Jones played a crucial role in handling the aftermath of the devastating winter storm that left many Texans without power and claimed the lives of 246 individuals. His leadership and dedication to the energy sector will be greatly missed. In honor of his legacy, Texas Tech University has established the Brad Jones Engineering Scholarship to support junior engineering students. Our thoughts are with his family, friends, and colleagues during this difficult time.
